
Coffee Information

Does Coffee Make You Fat or Help with Diabetes?

Who the heck knows?According to two studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association the opposite is true and it states if you have diabetes you should get rid of caffeine.Duke University Medical Centre in a 2004 study proved that caffeine ingestion significantly impairs the control of blood sugar and insulin after a meal.

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Coffee, Caffeine & Fitness
One look at a line at the local Starbucks in the morning and you don't need to be convinced of the huge amount of coffee consumption in the U.S.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Espresso Machine
Buying an espresso machine is an important decision - choose a wrong one and you've wasted a few hundred dollars; choose a good one and you will be rewarded for years to come.Picking the correct machine for your needs is a matter of prioritizing the features that are most important to you.
Coffee is a commodity
At Starbucks they obviously need coffee. To insure that they get the coffee at a good price, Starbucks has chosen to buy the coffee fields, rather than pay an advanced contract price for the coffee beans.
Why Your Cup of Coffee in the Morning May Keep You Up All Night
One of the most common complaints among coffee drinkers is that the caffeine can disturb their sleep. This result has been known for thousands of years and is, in fact, one of the reasons why many drink coffee in the first place: to stay awake.
Coffee, A Brief Overview
The coffee plant has two main species. There is the Coffea Arabica, which is the more traditional coffee and considered to be superior in flavor, and the Coffea Canephora known more commonly as Robusta.
Campfire Coffee Recipes
Want to know a few secrets to making a good cup of campfire coffee? There are lots of recipes for making coffee in a plain pot over a campfire or for your camping coffee pot. Try a few varieties to see what suits your taste the best.
Getting Fat These Days; Is it Starbucks
Starbucks has seen tremendous growth in our cities and the stock is up sharply from its IPO. But for many Americans so is their waist; are you a Starbucks Groupie? Is this fact showing in your body.
Ganoderma Coffee - Can It Be Good For You?
Are you a coffee addict? Are you searching for a healthier coffee alternative? Do you enjoy a good cup of coffee, but choose other beverages, because it does not agree with you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in for a pleasant surprise.Believe it or not, all coffee is not bad for you.
Coffee Bean Roaster
The coffee bean roaster is fast becoming a "must have" in today's kitchens. The flavor and freshness of coffee is at its best when it is roasted in small batches at home.
Does Your Morning Coffee Cause You Pain or Discomfort?
Does your morning coffee cause you pain? Are you frustrated when a night out dining with friends ends in discomfort instead of relaxed conversation? Do you carry antacids with you every day?Heartburn is more than just a nuisance. It can detract from enjoying a meal, force you to change your routine and hang over your every decision - what to eat, what to drink, when to lay down.
Buy Only Fresh Gourmet Coffee Beans if You are Looking to Brew Flavorful Gourmet Coffee
Most coffee beans are grown in sub-tropical climates all over the world. The altitude and region can make a world of difference in the taste of your coffee.
6 Delicious Coffee Recipes
Do you love coffee? Most of us do. In this article we will provide you with 6 recipes to enjoy your coffee a different way.
How Is Kona Coffee Different?
Like much of Hawaii, Kona offers ideal climate conditions for growing coffee. But there is something different about the Kona coffee cherries produced here that has earned this coffee a worldwide reputation for excellence.
Coffee - How to Buy, Store, and Grind it for the Perfect Cup
In the early days of the coffee craze, before the first Starbucks arrived in my town, I owned a tea and coffee house for several years. At the time, espresso was something new for most people, and a lot of my customers had questions.
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971 by three businessmen in Seattle, Washington who had a love for coffee and tea. It was important to them that the city of Seattle to have access their coffee.
Those Elusive Coffee Beans!
With the spread of various coffee beans into our lives, it can be more and more difficult to discern what you're buying at the market. And that's not surprising given the sheer numbers game.
Tips For Choosing The Perfect Travel Mug
A good travel mug is a must when you need to take your coffee or tea with you on the road. There are many different types of mugs available, so here are a few tips to consider before you purchase one.
Italian Roast Coffee For An Authentic Espresso
One of the things people think of with Italy is it's coffee. In fact Italian roast coffee is perfect for bringing a touch of Europe to your home.
Arabica Coffee
As you may have guessed, Arabica coffee gets its name from Arabia, the land of kings. When it comes to coffee, Arabica is definitely king.
Coffee Is A Historic Beverage, And It Makes For A Great Gift
Ahhhhh, coffee..